Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 37 (2012), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 37 (2012), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Special Issue: Elite Foundations of Social Theory and Politics

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 50 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

Special Issue:
Jan Pakulski, Heinrich Best, Verona Christmas-Best & Ursula Hoffmann-Lange (Eds.): Elite Foundations of Social Theory and Politics

376 Seiten

This special issue of the HSR is dedicated to John Higley in honour of his continued accomplishment as a distinguished scholar and prolific author whose seminal publications on the role of elites in politics and society have contributed to the contemporary revival of elite research. The volume assembles contributions from fourteen authors, ranging from theoretical analyses to empirical studies of elites in old and new democracies. Proceeding from the emergence of elites with the advent of complex societies, the chapters show the wide application of elite theory in understanding social and political developments.

One group of chapters focuses on the continued relevance of three classics of elite theory, Max Weber, Gaetano Mosca, and Joseph Schumpeter, which call into question some unrealistically optimistic assumptions of the theory of democratic elitism and egalitarian socialism. Another group addresses post-communist elite transformations and the formation of transnational elites, and demonstrates the relevance of elite studies for understanding abrupt as well as gradual regime change.

A final group of papers discusses the dynamics of elite-mass relations by comparing the attitudes and behaviours of elites to those of mass publics. In addition to these dedicated contributions, the issue also includes reprints of a selection of John Higley's seminal articles and book chapters.

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Historical Social Research
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of the Special Issue HSR Vol. 37 (2012) No. 1:
Jan Pakulski, Heinrich Best, Verona Christmas-Best & Ursula Hoffmann-Lange (Eds.): Elite Foundations of Social Theory and Politics


Jan Pakulski
Introduction: John Higley’s Work on Elite Foundations of Social Theory and Politics. Seite 9


G. William Domhoff
An Invitation to a Four-Network Theory of Power: A New Viewpoint Compatible with Elite Theory. S. 23

Jan Pakulski
The Weberian Foundations of Modern Elite Theory and Democratic Elitism. S. 38

András Körösényi
Monopolistic Competition, Auction and Authorization. A Schumpeterian View of Leadership and the Political Market. S. 57

Heinrich Best
Marx or Mosca? An Inquiry into the Foundations of Ideocratic Regimes. S. 73

Thomas A. Baylis
Elite Consensus and Political Polarization: Cases from Central Europe. S. 90

György Lengyel & Gabriella Ilonszki
Simulated Democracy and Pseudo-Transformational Leadership in Hungary. S. 107

Anton Steen
Elite and Mass Confidence in New Democracies – Towards Congruence? The Baltic States 1992-2007. S. 127

Trygve Gulbrandsen
Elite Integration – An Empirical Study. S. 148

Maurizio Cotta
Political Elites and a Polity in the Making: The Case of the EU. S. 167

Ursula Hoffmann-Lange
Vertical and Horizontal Accountability of Global Elites: Some Theoretical Reflections and a Preliminary Research Agenda. S. 193

Jean-Pascal Daloz
Elite (Un)Conspicuousness: Theoretical Reflections on Ostentation vs. Understatement. S. 209

Gwen Moore & Scott Dolan
U.S. Elite and Public Views on Anti-Terrorist Military Action: Are Women Less Militaristic? S. 223


John Higley & Michael G. Burton
The Elite Variable in Democratic Transitions and Breakdowns [1989]. S. 245

Mattei Dogan & John Higley
Elites, Crises, and Regimes in Comparative Analysis [1998]. S. 269

John Higley & Jan Pakulski
Elite Power Games and Democratic Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe [1999]. 292

John Higley & Jan Pakulski
Elite Theory versus Marxism: The Twentieth Century’s Verdict [2000]. S. 320

John Higley & Jan Pakulski
Elite and Leadership Change in Liberal Democracies [2007]. S. 333

John Higley
Democratic Elitism and Western Political Thought [2009]. S. 351

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