Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 39 (2014), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 39 (2014), 3
Weiterer Titel 
Terrorism, Gender, and History

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
360 S.
jährlich € 30,00 (Personen); € 50,00 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

SPECIAL ISSUE – Sylvia Schraut & Klaus Weinhauer (Eds.): Terrorism, Gender, and History. State of Research, Concepts, Case Studies

Gendered perspectives on terrorism are still absent in most scientific disciplines. This HSR Special Issue stands in the tradition of interdisciplinary culturalist terrorism research, which emerged in the 1990s. Overall, the contributions of this issue demonstrate four research results: First, analyzing terrorism singularly as a present-day political phenomenon fails to recognize its long political, historical and cultural traditions. Second, to neglect gender in political or academic terrorism studies blinds us to the transnational, entangled and transgenerational influence of gender concepts on terroristic agency and on understanding the representation of the terrorist in the media and in scholarly research. Third, the gendered interaction of terrorism with the state and with media societies is of crucial importance. In media societies, mainstream media do not simply transmit information. Instead, they can support dominant politico-cultural norms and values, but can also set agendas by presenting, interpreting and discussing terrorist acts and related state actions. Thus they generate follow-up communication which challenges terrorists and the state. Fourth, it has been shown that interdisciplinary cooperation in gendered terrorism studies broadens and strengthens our knowledge about political violence; it also demonstrates the advantages of emphasizing not only the necessity to use gender as analytical category, but also the necessity to reflect the meaning of the gender concepts we use.

FOCUS – Daniel Hienert: A Model for the Integration of Interactive Visualizations into the Process of Information Searching and Linking on the Web

The Web provides access to a mass of heterogeneous information. Accessing this information through search engines and browsing is nowadays a standard procedure for everyone. Interactive visualizations can be an integral part of the search and linking process because they provide benefits like (1) a variety of different representations for big, heterogeneous and complex information and (2) their interactivity that supports the cognition process of the user. This HSR Focus discusses the foundations in information searching, information visualization and information processing and builds a model for the integration of interactive visualizations into the process of information searching and linking on the Web.

Furthermore, this HSR contains a Mixed Issue.

Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website <www.gesis.org/hsr/>.

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SPECIAL ISSUE – Terrorism, Gender, and History

Sylvia Schraut & Klaus Weinhauer
Terrorism, Gender, and History – Introduction. p. 7.

Eva Herschinger
Political Science, Terrorism and Gender. p. 46

Sue Malvern & Gabriel Koureas
Terrorist Transgressions: Exploring the Gendered Representations of the Terrorist. p. 67.

Dominique Grisard
History of Knowledge, Terrorism and Gender. p. 82.

Kevin Keenan
Gender Aspects of Terrorism in Urban Spaces. p. 100.

María Xosé Agra Romero
Escaping/Transgressing the Feminine: Bodies, Prisons and Weapons of Proximity. p. 115.

Maleeha Aslam
Islamism and Masculinity: Case Study Pakistan. p. 135.

Amanda Third
Mediating the Female Terrorist: Patricia Hearst and the Containment of the Feminist Terrorist Threat in the United States in the 1970s. p. 150.

FOCUS – Interactive Visualizations

Daniel Hienert
A Model for the Integration of Interactive Visualizations into the Process of Information Searching and Linking on the Web. p. 179.

Daniel Hienert
Grundlagen der Informationssuche, Informationsvisualisierung und Informationsverarbeitung für die Integration von interaktiven Visualisierungen in die Websuche. p. 193.


Merlin Schaeffer
The Social Meaning of Inherited Financial Assets. Moral Ambivalences of Intergenerational Transfers. p. 289.

Christian Morgner
The Evolution of the Art Fair. p. 318.

Roberto Ricciuti
Fascism was not a Developmental Dictatorship. Evidence from Simple Tests. p. 337.

Sarah Irwin, Joanna Bornat & Mandy Winterton
Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Austere Times: A Reply to Coltart, Henwood and Shirani. p. 347.

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