Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 38 (2013), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 38 (2013), 3
Weiterer Titel 

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
jährlich € 30,00 (Personen); € 50,00 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

SPECIAL ISSUE – Sebastian Dorsch, Susanne Rau (Eds.): Space/Time Practices. Theories, Methods, Analyses from Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Whereas cultural studies and the social sciences are concerned with social dimensions of space and time, the tendency to treat both dimensions separately has increased in recent years. This HSR Special Issue brings together contributions from different disciplines in order to analyze spatial and temporal practices together. Its underlying thesis is that spatiality and temporality are inseparable within the lifeworld. Along with a programmatic introduction, this issue contains three essays which critically address methodological and theoretical questions in the works of Michel de Certeau, Reinhart Koselleck and Mircea Eliade, and discuss their applicability. Ten additional essays, covering topics from antiquity to the twentieth century, analyze such concrete space-time practices as borders, memory, writing, cartography, interpretations of temporality, and processes of urbanization. Each essay takes relevant theoretical approaches into account. They all test and present the applicability of their methodological tools insofar as they start with specific questions within determinate contexts and situate them within more abstract discussions. They thereby contribute to current theoretical debates in cultural studies and the social sciences. Encompassing several epochs and regions, these multidisciplinary perspectives provide multifaceted insights into space-time practices. This Special Issue is published in cooperation with the research unit “Erfurter RaumZeit-Forschung” of the University of Erfurt.

FOCUS – Philipp Schaer: Information Retrieval and Informetrics: The Application of Informetric Methods in Digital Libraries

Recent user studies in digital libraries show two weaknesses of the classical IR approach: ranking of retrieved documents and the language problem during the query formulation phase. Recent developments in the area of applied informetrics show very promising effects by using long-known informetric and bibliometric methods like the analysis of power-law distributions described by Lotka’s, Zipf’s or Bradford’s laws. This work will concentrate on the description of the open problems and the current approaches to surpass these by using applied informetrics methodologies.

Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website <http://www.gesis.org/hsr/>

Allen Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten von H-Soz-u-Kult bieten wir die neu erschienene HSR-Ausgabe Vol. 38 (2013) No. 3 zum Preis von EUR 12,- an. Rückfragen und Bestellungen richten Sie bitte per Mail an <hsr-quantum@gesis.org>.



SPECIAL ISSUE – Space/Time Practices

Sebastian Dorsch
Space/Time Practices and the Production of Space and Time. An Introduction. p. 7

Marian Füssel
Tote Orte und gelebte Räume. Zur Raumtheorie von Michel de Certeau S. J. p. 22

Hagen Schulz-Forberg
The Spatial and Temporal Layers of Global History: A Reflection on Global Conceptual History through Expanding Reinhart Koselleck’s Zeitschichten into Global Spaces. p.40

Christiane Barth
In illo tempore, at the Center of the World: Mircea Eliade and Religious Studies’ Concepts of Sacred Time and Space. p. 59

Harry O. Maier
Soja’s Thirdspace, Foucault’s Heterotopia and de Certeau’s Practice: Time-Space and Social Geography in Emergent Christianity. p. 76

Sabine Schmolinsky
The Production of Future. Chronotope and Agency in the Middle Ages. p. 93

Matthias Rekow
Gegenwart als ‚nahes Ende‘ – Apokalyptisches Denken in der Frühen Neuzeit. Der Entwurf eines apokalyptischen Chronotopos nach Bachtin. p. 105

Reiner Prass
Die Etablierung der Linie. Grenzbestimmungen und Definition eines Territoriums: Sachsen-Gotha 1640–1665. p. 129

Susanne Rau
The Urbanization of the Periphery: A Spatio-Temporal History of Lyon since the Eighteenth Century. p. 150

Robert Fischer
Mobility and Morality at the Border – A Lefebvrian Spatio-Temporal Analysis in Early Twentieth-Century Ciudad Juárez and El Paso. p. 176

Frank Wolff
The Home that Never Was: Rethinking Space and Memory in Late Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Jewish History. p. 197

Alf Lüdtke
Writing Time – Using Space. The Notebook of a Worker at Krupp´s Steel Mill and Manufacturing – an Example from the 1920s. p. 216

Heiner Stahl
Preparing for Landing, Ready for Take-Off. Zoning Noise Pollution as Spatio-Temporal Practices at Berlin-Tegel and Berlin-Tempelhof Airport (1965–1975). p. 229

Diana Hitzke
Raumzeitliche Kartierungspraktiken. Karten und Mapping im theoretischen Diskurs und in den Texten von David Albahari. p. 246

FOCUS – Informetrics & Digital Libraries

Philipp Schaer
Applied Informetrics for Digital Libraries: An Overview of Foundations, Problems and Current Approaches. p. 267

Philipp Schaer
Information Retrieval und Informetrie: Zur Anwendung informetrischer Methoden in digitalen Bibliotheken. p. 282

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