Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR), Supplement 32 (2019)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR), Supplement 32 (2019)
Weiterer Titel 
Celebrity’s Histories

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
210 pages
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 54 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip

Historical Social Research (HSR) Supplement 32:

Celebrity’s Histories: Case Studies & Critical Perspectives (ed. Robert van Krieken & Nicola Vinovrški)

Until recently scholarly reflection on celebrity has tended to approach it primarily as a product of the twentieth century, but over the last few decades there has been increasing attention paid to its longer-term history. The field has been expanding rapidly, along with the rigour and scope of the research ap-proaches pursued, and this issue of Historical Social Research showcases a selection of key interventions both by established scholars and innovative younger researchers. Probably the most widespread approach is now to see the development of modern celebrity as anchored in the Enlightenment and the emergence of the public sphere in the eighteenth century, and this has produced a lively set of debates about how the role of celebrity in the public sphere should be analysed. Alongside those debates, there are also important things to be said about celebrity in earlier historical periods, as well as what its specific trajectories were in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Precisely because celebrity has a history, it is possible to identify particular periods when the surrounding societal changes were accompanied by connected changes in the character and dynamics of celebrity. This HSR Supplement covers the dynamics of the heightened attention paid to public figures in the eighteenth century, the ways in which the concept of ‘the King’s two bodies’ can be applied to ascribed and achieved celebrity, early-modern as well as eighteenth- and nineteenth-century theatrical and literary celebrity, American heroes in the nineteenth century, and sporting celebrity. While novelty, the state of being apparently unprecedented, is often the hallmark of the individual celebrity, celebrity as a phenomenon and the discursive themes surrounding it are anything but new, and its history remains an important and exciting field of innovative scholarship.

Abstracts of all contributions are available at <http://www.gesis.org/hsr/>.
For orders, please contact hsr-order@gesis.org.



Nicola Vinovrški & Robert van Krieken
New Directions in the History of Celebrity: Case Studies and Critical Perspectives.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.7–16

Antoine Lilti & Alice Le Goff
On Figures Publiques: L’Invention de la Célébrité (1750–1850): Mechanisms of Celebrity and Social Esteem.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.19–38

Chris Rojek
The Two Bodies of Achieved Celebrity.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.39–57

Jennifer Holl
"The wonder of his time": Richard Tarlton and the Dynamics of Early Modern Theatrical Celebrity.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.58–82

Brian Cowan
Histories of Celebrity in Post-Revolutionary England.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.83–98

Nicola Vinovrški
Casanova: A Case Study of Celebrity in 18th Century Europe.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.99–120

David Worrall
Edmund Kean’s Celebrity: Assemblage Theory and the Unintended Consequences of Audience Density.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.121–138

Jeffrey Kahan
Bettymania and the Death of Celebrity Culture.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.139–164

Simon Morgan
Heroes in the Age of Celebrity: Lafayette, Kossuth, and John Bright in 19th-Century America.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.165–185

Neil Washbourne
W.G. Grace: Sporting Superstar, Cultural Celebrity, and Hero (to Oscar Wilde’s Villain) of the Great Public Drama of 1895.
doi: 10.12759/hsr.suppl.32.2019.186–208

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