Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 38 (2013), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 38 (2013), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Security and Conspiracy in History, 16th to 21st Century

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 50 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

Cornel Zwierlein & Beatrice de Graaf (Eds.): Security and Conspiracy in History, 16th to 21st Century

368 pages

This HSR Special Issue combines both of the recently emerging fields – conspiracy and security history – for the first time by asking how we can conceive their parallel history from the Renaissance to the present. The new situation of international and national security regimes after the Cold War has not only placed security studies at the top of the Political Science agenda, but is also currently causing the emergence of a new field of security history. Likewise, Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories have found a new great interest in the post-Cold War constellation, particularly following 9/11. There has been hitherto no attempt to conceptualize the development of Security and Conspiracy in a longue durée perspective. Remaining sensitive to the ancient and medieval forerunners, we nevertheless assume that both fully developed conspiracy theories and ‘security’ as a leading political aim are phenomena mainly found in modern history. Both can be treated as dispositives in a Foucauldian sense which challenge each other – real or imagined conspiracies are threats to the security of the state or the commonwealth. Both Security and Conspiracy need to be carefully historicized.

This HSR Special Issue offers a sketch of the supposed development of the combined dispositives throughout modern history in addition to a theoretical approach. The contributions combine case studies and methodological reflections from the Renaissance to 9/11 with a majority concerning the ‘high’ and ‘late modern’ periods since 1880. International pioneers, as well as young researchers in the field of conspiracy and security history, have contributed.

Furthermore this HSR issue contains a Mixed Issue. Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website http://www.gesis.org/hsr/

Allen Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten von H-Soz-u-Kult bieten wir die neu erschienene HSR-Ausgabe Vol. 38 (2013) No. 1 zum Preis von EUR 12,– an. Rückfragen und Bestellungen richten Sie bitte per Mail an hsr-quantum@gesis.org.



SPECIAL ISSUE – Security and Conspiracy in History

Cornel Zwierlein & Beatrice de Graaf
Security and Conspiracy in Modern History. p. 7

Beatrice de Graaf & Cornel Zwierlein
Historicizing Security – Entering the Conspiracy Dispositive. p. 46

Cornel Zwierlein
Security Politics and Conspiracy Theories in the Emerging European State System (15th/16th c.). p. 65

Karl Härter
Security and Cross-Border Political Crime: The Formation of Transnational Security Regimes in 18th and 19th Century Europe. p. 96.

Geoffrey Cubitt
Conspiracism, Secrecy and Security in Restoration France: Denouncing the Jesuit Menace. p. 107.

John T. Hamilton
Conspiracy, Security, and Human Care in Donnersmarck’s Leben der Anderen. p. 129

Beatrice de Graaf
The Black International Conspiracy as Security Dispositive in the Netherlands, 1880–1900. p. 142

Constant Willem Hijzen
The Perpetual Adversary. How Dutch Security Services Perceived Communism (1918–1989). p. 166

Ondrej Ditrych
‘International Terrorism’ as Conspiracy: Debating Terrorism in the League of Nations. p. 200

Susanne Keesman
The Communist Menace in Finsterwolde: Conspiring against Local Authorities? A Case Study on the Dutch Battle against Communism, 1945–1951. p. 211

Tobias Hof
The Moro Affair – Left-Wing Terrorism and Conspiracy in Italy in the Late 1970s. p. 232

Jelle van Buuren
Holland’s Own Kennedy Affair. Conspiracy Theories on the Murder of Pim Fortuyn. p. 257

Liesbeth van der Heide
Cherry-Picked Intelligence. The Weapons of Mass Destruction Dispositive as a Legitimation for National Security in the Post 9/11 Age. p. 286


Tobias A. Jopp
On the Historical Roots of the Modern Welfare State: The Knappschaft Statistics of 1861 to 1920 as a Source for Quantitative Historical Social Research. p. 311

Kitae Sohn
The Living Arrangements of U.S. Teachers, 1860–1910. p. 339

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