Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 33 (2008), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 33 (2008), 2
Weiterer Titel 
Elite Formation in the Other Europe (19th-20th Century)

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
384 S.
€ 12,00



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Schulz, Sandra

Historical Social Research/ Historische Sozialforschung
HSR Vol. 33 (2008) No. 2 – Special Issue: Elite Formation in the Other Europe (19th-20th Century)

Victor Karady (Ed.)

Elite Formation in the Other Europe (19th-20th Century)/
Elitenformation im ‚anderen’ Europa (19.-20. Jahrhundert)

Recent research in various European countries has completely reshaped and renewed our views of the conditions and the scope of trends of social mobility towards elite positions and the reproduction of social elites observable in the period following the collapse of feudal regimes in Europe.

This special issue offers a selection of the papers presented at the international conference on “Elite Formation, Modernization and Nation Building” (May 2007 in Budapest). The conference was a first successful attempt to organize a network for the promotion of empirical socio-historical re¬search on modern and modernizing elites in a number developing societies, especially belonging to the Other Europe. Scholars from both parts of Europe, the West and the East (in the broad sense of both designations) discussed problem areas, methodological schemes and research results in concrete terms related to post feudal elites, their social, ethnic, denominational and regional recruitment, education, power position, internal professional set-up as well as political-ideological orientation and stra¬tegies in a possibly comparative perspective. The main to¬pical focus of the conference rested on small nation states of East-Central and Northern Europe, with the involvement of experts of Western countries as well.

The 16 contributions of this special issue “Elite Formation in the Other Europe (19th-20th Century)” deal with four main themes: “Ruling Elites from Feudalism to the Modern State”; “Student Populations and the Changing Function of Universities”; “The Transformation of Intellectual Professions” and “Comparative Perspectives”.

Allen Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten von H-Soz-u-Kult bieten wir das neu erschienene HSR-Special Issue Vol. 33 (2008) No. 2 „Elite Formation in the Other Europe (19th-20th Century) zu einem Sonderpreis von € 12,- (gegen Rechnung; Preis inkl. Versand) an.

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Sandra Schulz
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Special Issue

Editorial 9

Ruling Elites from Feudalism to the Modern State

Jan Eivind Myhre
Academics as the Ruling Elite in 19th Century Norway. 21

Lea Leppik
Social Mobility and Career Patterns of Estonian Intellectuals in the Russian Empire. 42

Miloš Reznik
Elitenwandel, tschechische Nationsbildung und der böhmische Adel. 63

Andrea Pokludová
Forming Intelligentsia in Moravia and Silesia in the Second Half of the 19th and at the Beginning of the 20th Century. 82

Student Populations and the Changing Function of Universities

Pieter Dhondt
Ambiguous Loyalty to the Russian Tsar. The Universities of Dorpat and Helsinki as Nation Building Institutions. 99

Péter Tibor Nagy
The Problem of the Confessional Recruitment of the Students at the Faculties of the Humanities and Science of the Transylvanian University. 127

Victor Karady
Educated Elites in Pre-Socialist Hungary – 1867-1948. Issues, Approaches, Sources and Some Preliminary Results of an Overall Survey. 154

Julia Disson
Privileged Noble High Schools and the Formation of Russian National Elites in the First Part of the 19th Century. 174

The Transformation of Intellectual Professions

Peter Urbanitsch
The High Civil Service Corps in the Last Period of the Multi-Ethnic Empire between National and Imperial Loyalties. 193

Tibor Hajdu
Transformations of the Officer Corps in Hungary (1900-1940). 214

Lucian Nastasa
The Education of Romanian University Professors in Western Universities. 221

Georgeta Nazarska
Bulgarian Women Medical Doctors in the Social Modernization of the Bulgarian Nation State (1878-1944). 232

Comparative Perspectives

Christophe Charle
Elite Formation in Late Nineteenth Century: France Compared to Britain and Germany. 249

Jaap Dronkers
Declining Homogamy of Austrian-German Nobility in the 20th Century? A Comparison with the Dutch Nobility. 262

Fanny Colonna
Training the National Elites in Colonial Algeria 1920-1954. 285

Afrânio Garcia
Elite’s Recomposition and State-Building in Contemporary Brazil (1920-1964). 296

Mixed Issue


Matthias Groß
Georg Simmel und „die laute Pracht des wissenschaftlich-technischen Zeitalters“. 315

FORUM: „Joachim Radkau: Max Weber. Die Leidenschaft des Den¬kens.“ (Mit Beiträgen von Nils Freytag, Uta Gerhardt, Barbara Hahn, Gangolf Hübinger und Joachim Radkau). 331


Claude Diebolt
Reassessment of German Aggregate Wage Earnings in the Long Run. 351

Alexey A. Rakov
Social and Economic Dimensions of Southern Ural Dekulaked Peasants (1930-1934). 359

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