Tapas Mishra
Stochastic Demographic Dynamics and Economic Growth: An Application and Insights from the World Data.
1. Introduction: Cross Country Growth Variations – Tracing Causes, Sources and Consequences. 9
2. Cliometrics of The Abiding Nexus Between Demographic Components and Economic Development. 14
3. Stochastic Demographic Dynamics, Economic Growth and Long-memory. 61
4. Population Forecasting with Stochastic Long Memory Framework. 95
5. A Further Look into the Demography-based Income Forecasting Method. 144
6. Conclusions: Policy Analysis and Development Objectives. 174
References 178
Acknowledgements 184
List of Tables 185
List of Figures 186
Mixed Issue
Nina Baur
Taking Perspectivity Seriously. A Suggestion of a Conceptual Framework for Linking Theory and Methods in Longitudinal and Comparative Research. 191
Karl-Heinz Reuband
Die Leserschaft des „Stürmer“ im Dritten Reich. Soziale Zusammensetzung und antisemitische Orientierungen. 214
Fernando Zanella
The Spend-and-Tax or Tax-and-Spend: Further Evidence for the Brazilian Imperial Period. 255
Antoine Parent
When Economists “Tell Histories”: the Truncated Story of Central Banks’ Cooperation over the Bimetallic Period. 264
Antonio Luigi Paolilli
Development and Crisis in Ancient Rome: the Role of Mediterranean Trade. 274
Lars Allolio-Näcke
Turn, turn, turn around – bis die Konturen verschwimmen. 290
Rainer Diaz-Bone
Gibt es eine qualitative Netzwerkanalyse? 311
Nina Leonhard
Gedächtnis und Kultur – Anmerkungen zum Konzept der „Erinnerungskulturen“ in den Kulturwissenschaften. 344
In Memoriam – Charles Tilly: 1929-2008. 358