Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 37 (2012), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 37 (2012), 2
Weiterer Titel 

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 50 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

Historical Social Research Vol. 37 (2012), No. 2

Special Issue
Heinrich Best, Ronald Gebauer & Axel Salheiser (Eds.): Political and Functional Elites in Post-Socialist Transformation: Central and East Europe since 1989/90

376 Seiten

After the breakdown of Communist regimes in the East at the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s unparalleled societal transitory processes have evolved and reshaped the political world map. After two decades, Central and East European societies still have to master difficulties that have been inherited from Socialism or face conditions that are specifically post-Socialist legacies.

Moreover, throughout the first decade of the 21st century, international and national crises have drastically challenged the functioning and legitimacy of market economy, representative democracies, and welfare states. New political and social movements have emerged and ignited discourses on the redistribution of power and the renewal of institutions. Today’s Central and East European societies face increasing social inequality, decreasing social mobility, alarming demographical change, and dramatic ecological risks. However, there is a great variety of preconditions, speeds, and paths of developments.

How have representative and functional elites in Central and East Europe affected and been affected by this ‘double’ transformation? Have they found and embraced strategies of change or have they sought ways of persistence? And how do elites react to newly arising social problems? The emergence, the success or failure, and the survival or replacement of elites is closely bound to these questions. Accordingly, this HSR special issue focuses on elite continuity and elite discontinuity in the context of societal change observing both past and current post-Socialist developments and, thus, combining historical and contemporary perspectives.

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PART I – SPECIAL ISSUE: Political and Functional Elites in Post-Socialist Transformation: Central and East Europe since 1989/90

Heinrich Best, Ronald Gebauer & Axel Salheiser
Political and Functional Elites in Post-Socialist Transformation: Central and East Europe since 1989/90. An Introduction. Seite 7

Tetiana Kostiuchenko
Elite Continuity in Ukraine: When Networks Matter (?). S. 14

Catalin Augustin Stoica
“Our Martyrs of 1989 Did Not Die for This!”: Political Capitalism in Post-Communist Romania. S. 26

Frane Adam & Matevž Tomšič
The Dynamics of Elites and the Type of Capitalism: Slovenian Exceptionalism? S. 53

Elena Semenova
Continuities in the Formation of Russian Political Elites. S. 71

Diana Digol
Transformation of Diplomatic Elites in Post-Communist Societies. S. 91

Luca Kristóf
What Happened Afterwards? Change and Continuity in the Hungarian Elite between 1988 and 2009. S. 108

Axel Salheiser
Socialist and Post-Socialist Functional Elites in East Germany. S. 123

Ronald Gebauer
Cadrelites? Career Continuity, Discontinuity, or Disruption of former Socialist Elites in the Early 1990s. An Event History Analysis on the Basis of Statistically Matched Data. S. 139

Ronald Gebauer & Stefan Jahr
Second Life in the Bundestag? Former GDR Delegates in German Parliaments. S. 153


Benjamin Beckers, Ralf K. Himmelreicher & Carsten Schröder
The Evolution of Tangibles, Financial and Social Security Wealth over the Lifecycle: Estimates for Germany. S. 165

Julia Simonson, Laura Romeu Gordo & Nadiya Kelle
Statistical Matching of the German Aging Survey and the Sample of Active Pension Accounts as a Source for Analyzing Life Courses and Old Age Incomes. S. 185

Christian Booß
Rechtsanwälte und politische Prozesse in der späten DDR. Eine quantitative Auswertung von MfS-ermittelten Prozessen 1984. S. 211

Manuel Schramm & Uwe Fraunholz
Between the Ivory Tower and the Industrial Laboratory: Universities in the West German Innovation System, 1945-1990. S. 254

Claude Diebolt, Antoine Parent & Jamel Trabelsi
Revisiting the 1929 Crisis: Was the Fed Pre-Keynesian? New Lessons from the Past S. 280

Karol J. Borowiecki & John W. O'Hagan
Historical Patterns Based on Automatically Extracted Data: The Case of Classical Composers. S. 298

Johannes Lüder, Achim Brauer & Ronald Jurisch
Breakpoint Detection within the Time Series. Modeling Approach Upon Paleoclimatic Proxy Data. S. 315

José Rodrigues da Costa, Maria Eugénia Mata & David Justino
Estimating the Portuguese Average Cost of Capital. S. 326

Ummad Mazhar
The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: A Skeptical Note. S. 362

Weitere Hefte ⇓