Paedagogica Historica explores the social, cultural, and philosophical histories of education within the context of the "new cultural history of education". The journal is trilingual, publishing papers in French, English and German, and is internationally refereed.
Paedagogica Historica's aim to be the foremost in its sector is implemented by:
- meticulous attention to theoretical and methodological developments on a world level
- the inclusion of papers from top-class authors
- the publication of thematic issues such as Moral Panics, Postmodernism and the History of Education, The Visual in the History of Education,Textbook and Education.
- an extensive book reviews section.
Education is resolutely conceived by the Editors as a broadly inter-disciplinary field, and the journal aims to expand the frontiers of the history of education. Priority is given to studies that are of an international nature. This does not exclude case studies of specific countries, but articles must show paradigmatic examples of methodologically well-structured and/or topical research that deserves imitation in other countries. Historical-comparative, social and cross-cultural approaches are welcomed. Paedagogica Historica also offers a forum to specialists in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Modern Period.