This issue contains:
Containing the School Child: Architectures and Pedagogies1, Catherine Burke, p. 489
The Panopticon of Childhood: Harold E. Jones Child Study Center, Berkeley, California, 1946?1960, Ning de Coninck-Smith, p. 495
'The Art of Seeing': Promoting Design in Education in 1930s England1, Ian Grosvenor, p. 507
The Influence of School Architecture and Design on the Outdoor Play Experience within the Primary School, Marc Armitage, p. 535
School Walls as Battle Grounds: Technologies of Power, Space and Identity, Annegret Staiger, p. 555
Contested Desires: The Edible Landscape of School, Catherine Burke, p. 571
A Cloistered Ethos? Landscapes of Learning and English Secondary Schools for Girls: an Historical Perspective, Joyce Goodman, p. 589
Schulbau jenseits der Norm: Hans Scharouns Maedchengymnasium in Luenen, Heidemarie Kemnitz, p. 605
Towards a Social Ecology of the Modern School: Reflections on Histories of the Governmental Environment of Schooling, Nick Peim, p. 627
Notes on Contributors, p. 641