Paedagogica Historica 59 (2023), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Paedagogica Historica 59 (2023), 2

Institutional: $300/£185; Individual: $85/£52



Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education
Moritz Pallasch, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Highlighted Topic: Fröbel and the Fröbelians

Haüy, Weiß, Fröbel: the influence of nineteenth-century crystallography on the mathematics of Friedrich Fröbel’s kindergarten. Part 1: the published materials
Michael Friedman & Jose Muñoz Alvis
Pages: 191–211

Research Article

Haüy, Weiß, Fröbel: the influence of nineteenth-century crystallography on the mathematics of Friedrich Fröbel’s Kindergarten. Part 2: new evidence from unpublished notes
Michael Friedman & Jose Muñoz Alvis
Pages: 212–232

Femmes arméniennes et pédagogie froebélienne: entre patriotisme éducatif et professionnalisation des institutrices préscolaires
Hayarpi Papikyan
Pages: 233–249

General Articles

Revival or bilingualism? The impact of European nationalist thinking on Irish language curricular policy around the advent of political independence in Ireland
Thomas Walsh
Pages: 250–263

Research Article

Hegemonic: the trajectory of political theory at Makerere University College, 1949–1968
Edward Silvestre Kaweesi
Pages: 264–285

Learning to read while reading to learn: Marcius Willson’s basal readers, science education, and object teaching, 1860–1890
Peter B. Knupfer
Pages: 286–305

Impact of the railroad on the reduction of illiteracy in Extremadura, Spain (1860–1940)
Francisco Javier Jaraíz-Cabanillas, José Soto-Vázquez, Ramón Pérez-Parejo & José Antonio Gutiérrez Gallego
Pages: 306–324

The early dramatic works of Johann Amos Comenius in the context of his Pansophic pedagogical system: a reconciliation
Z.A. Lurie & S.M. Mashevskaya
Pages: 325–341

Nationalism and internationalism in education in Europe in the 1920s through the eyes of an American observer
Michael Byram
Pages: 342–360

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