Introduction educational sciences in dynamic and hybrid institutionalization Rita Hofstetter and Bernard Schneuwly pp. 569 - 589
Backing the actor as agent in discipline formation: an example of the "secondary disciplinarization" of the educational sciences, based on the networks of ovide decroly (1901-1931) Angelo Van Gorp, Marc Depaepe, Frank Simon pp. 591 - 616
The training of teachers and educational studies: the London Day Training College, 1902-1932 Richard Aldrich pp. 617 - 631
Un bouillon de culture pour les sciences de l'éducation? Le Congrès international d'éducation morale (1908-1934) Marco Cicchini pp. 633 - 656
The construction of a New Science by means of an institute and its communication media: the institute of educational sciences in Geneva (1912-1948) Rita Hofstetter pp. 657 - 683
Mens agitat molem: The Pedagogical Congresses of the Liga Nacional de Instrução (Lisbon, 1908-1914) Luís Miguel Carvalho and Ana Lúcia Fernandes pp. 685 - 703
Schulreform, Pädagogik und Psychologie: Zur Geschichte des Wiener Psychologischen Instituts Gerhard Benetka pp. 705 - 717
The institute as network: the Scottish Council for Research in Education as a local and international phenomenon in the 1930s Martin Lawn pp. 719 - 732
A new education for a new era: the contribution of the conferences of the New Education Fellowship to the disciplinary field of education 1921-1938 Kevin J. Brehony pp. 733 - 755
Educational sciences, morality and politics: international educational congresses in the early twentieth century Eckhardt Fuchs pp. 757 - 784
Contributors pp. 785 - 788
Book reviews pp. 790 - 835