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This issue contains:
Special Issue: New Education: Genesis and Metamorphoses
Education nouvelle et changements educatifs: elements de definition et pesees d'une influence Charles Magnin, Rita Hofstetter p. 1 URL of article:
Reformpaedagogik vor der Reformpaedagogik1 Juergen Oelkers p. 15 URL of article:
L'echo de l'Education nouvelle au sein de l'Ecole Ferrer lausannoise (1910–1921) Charles Heimberg p. 49 URL of article:
L'Ecole des Roches, phare francais au sein de la nebuleuse de l'Education nouvelle (1899–1944) Nathalie Duval p. 63 URL of article:
Pestalozzi in Dewey's Realm? Bauhaus Master Josef Albers among the German- speaking Emigres' Colony at Black Mountain College (1933–1949) Karl-Heinz Fuessl p. 77 URL of article:
Reformpaedagogik aus dem Osten? Koerperauffassung und Koerpererziehung Toshiko Ito p. 93 URL of article:
The Reinvention of the New Education Movement in the Franco Dictatorship (Spain, 1936–1976)1 Maria del Mar del Pozo Andres, J. F. A. Braster p. 109 URL of article:
The Reception of New Education in Spain by means of Manuals on the History of Education for Teacher Training Colleges (1898–1976) Julio Ruiz Berrio, Teresa Rabazas, Sara Ramos p. 127 URL of article:
Le theme de l'enfant nouveau chez Montessori: vers une mythanalyse en education1 Alberto Filipe Araujo p. 143 URL of article:
The Historiography of Gender and Progressive Education in the United States Kathleen Weiler p. 161 URL of article:
Transnational Innovations, Local Conditions, and Disruptive Teachers and Students in Interwar Education Kay Whitehead, Judith Peppard p. 177 URL of article:
A Genealogy of an Australian System of Comprehensive High Schools: The Contribution of Educational Progressivism to the One Best Form of Universal Secondary Education (1900–1940) Craig Campbell, Geoffrey Sherington p. 191 URL of article:
Educational Reformers or Keepers of the Status Quo: Governors Reubin Askew and Jimmy Carter Deanna L. Michael p. 211 URL of article:
Progressivism, Control and Correction: Local Education Authorities and Educational Policy in Twentieth-century England Ian Grosvenor, Kevin Myers p. 225 URL of article:
Une culture 'contre' l'autre: les idees de l'education nouvelle solubles dans l'institution scolaire d'Etat? Autour de la democratisation de l'acces au savoir Andre D. Robert p. 249 URL of article:
L'education nouvelle apres l'Education nouvelle1 Daniel Hameline p. 263 URL of article:
Notes on Contributors p. 291 URL of article: