13. Jahrgang, August / September 2004, Nr. 4
Heinz Bude: Das Phänomen der Exklusion. Der Widerstreit zwischen gesellschaftlicher Erfahrung und soziologischer Rekonstruktion
(Summary: This article aims to elucidate exclusion in the face of discrepancies between perception of the phenomenon in society and sociological reconstructions. At a time when people increasingly dramatize the »new« gap between inside and outside, analysts of social structure uphold the »old« inequality of top and bottom. Shifting the focus of attention to diachronic disparities will make sociology receptive for experience in society and open society for sociological reconstruction.)
Oliver Callies: Konturen sozialer Exklusion
(Summary: Since the 1990s, exclusion has become a key term within debates in the social sciences. Nonetheless, how this concept differs from other categories which characterize socially disadvantaged states often remains unclear. All too often, the term excluded refers merely to the unemployed or to members of the lower class or other isadvantaged groups. This contribution therefore aims to clarify some specific aspects of the concept with the help of individual case studies. These cases reveal that, in contrast to other commonly used categories, the concept of exclusion focuses attention on aspects such as individual integration into social networks. Moreover, the exclusion perspective is linked to the life-world of individuals and implies an individual development, rather than a static condition. Thus, this concept would seem to be useful for the analysis of social inequality.)
Berthold Vogel: Der Nachmittag des Wohlfahrtsstaats. Zur politischen Ordnung gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheit
(Summary: This article argues in favor of a broader perspective in sociological research on inequality. Maintaining social status, securing prosperity, and avoiding the loss of class status are some of the key aspects to be considered in diagnosing recent developments. Having served for decades as a ladder for social advancement and an instrument for securing status, especially for the middle class, the welfare state is now undergoing a process of restructuring. Under this new architecture, the modern state has abandoned its former key function of securing social status. New forms of inequality, characterized by social vulnerability and precarious prosperity, are emerging in the center of society.)
Christian Schneider: Der Holocaust als Generationsobjekt. Generationengeschichtliche Anmerkungen zu einer deutschen Identitätsproblematik
(Summary: For the so-called »second generation« of daughters and sons of Nazi criminals and their accomplices and supporters, the Holocaust has acquired the function of an identity-building »generational object«. In the course of attempts to create a distance between this second generation and its elders and their guilt, perspectives on the Holocaust have increasingly become charged with unconscious meaning. Specific schemes of interpreting and assigning meaning to the Holocaust that are linked to the mechanism of identifying oneself with victims so typical of the student movement generation are cherished as a kind of identificatory possession. As a result, the political generation of the Berlin Republic is attempting to impose ist interpretative pattern on the next generation and repeating, mutatis mutandis, the very process it deplored when the actors were the parental generation.)
Thomas Dörfler und Andreas Klärner: Der »Rudolf-Heß-Gedenkmarsch« in Wunsiedel. Rekonstruktion eines nationalistischen Phantasma
(Summary: The Rudolf Heß commemorative march is a key event for German Neo-Nazis. On 17 August 2002, fifteen years after the death of Rudolf Heß, between 2500 and 3000 Neo-Nazis from all over Europe met in the small German town of Wunsiedel. As observers of the march, the authors analyze its significance as a community-building ritual in the sense defined by Emile Durkheim and also utilize Slavoj Zizek’s psychoanalytical critique of ideology to probe the symbolic forms involved in this process of community building.)
Wolfgang Kraushaar: Aus der Protest-Chronik