Mittelweg 36, 12 (2003), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Mittelweg 36, 12 (2003), 3
Weiterer Titel 
Deutsche Eliten

Anzahl Seiten
96 Seiten, illustriert
9,50 € / pro Ausgabe, Jahresabonnement 48,- €



Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung
Zeitschrift »Mittelweg 36«
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040/414 097 84
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Hansel, Patricia

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Patricia Hansel


12. Jahrgang, Juni/Juli 2003, Nr. 3

Heinz Bude
Die deutsche Elite in der Falle. Editorial

Klaus Naumann
Neubeginn auf Bewährung – General Klaus Dieter Naumann

(Summary: During his term as General Inspector of the Bundeswehr and within the framework of security policy in the 1990s, General Klaus D. Naumann conferred upon that office a decidedly political profile, reflecting the revaluation of the military component of German foreign policy. Naumann’s biographical narrative reveals the self-image of a German who perceived the nuclear constellation of the Cold War as a burden and the »normalization« process of the 1990s, in contrast, as a trial. In his perspective, political innovation is the expression of a task assigned to his generation (Naumann was born in 1939) by the generation of Germans who were adults during the war. So innovation by its real nature turns out to be an achievement, the completion of an inherited task.)

Wolfgang Schroeder
Der »gute Hirte« des Aufbaus Ost – Johannes Ludewig

(Summary: This case study is about the political civil servant Johannes Ludewig, who was involved in the East German Transformation process between 1989 and 1996 as a close political advisor of the Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl. My thesis is that Ludewig portrayed »Helmut Kohls system« on unification policy particularly pragmatically and efficiently using his flexible and relatively egalitarian style. From a sociological political perspective, this »Kohl system« can be interpreted as a personal-centralised style of government, which due to personal direct contact eclipsed constitutional and institutional stipulations.)

Rainer Weinert
Der letzte fortschrittliche Gewerkschaftsführer – Hermann Rappe

(Summary: The article discusses the career of Hermann Rappe, head of the German trade union of the chemical industry. Rappe is a »labor statesman« and a German patriot, a dedicated anti-communist as well as a passionate trade union leader representing the German model of elite consensus. He belonged to the generation that built postwar Germany. The carreer of Rappe exemplifies some general mechanisms of elite selection in German trade unions. Finally his role in developing the special social partnership for the chemical industry is discussed, and his struggle for a chemical industry in East Germany after unification.)

Gerd Hankel
Internationale Strafgerichtsbarkeit. Ein Garant für mehr Sicherheit und Frieden oder politische Spiegelfechterei?

(Summary: This contribution briefly sketches the history of the development of international criminal law and the process leading up to the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Focusing on experience with and the outcomes of the ad hoc courts for crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia und Rwanda, the influence of these legal proceedings on national processes of reconciliation is explored. The reasons for US refusal to acknowledge the need for a permanent court and to ratify the statute of the recently installed ICC and the prospects and limitations of international criminal jurisdiction are discussed in brief.)

In jeder Ausgabe:

Wolfgang Kraushaar: Aus der Protest-Chronik

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