Klaus Holz: Neuer Antisemitismus? Wandel und Kontinuität der Judenfeindschaft
(Summary: The ongoing discussion on the resurgence of anti-Semitism raises two fundamental questions: Does Islamic fundamentalism constitute a new variant of anti-Semitism? And to what extent is anti-Semitism today manifested as a legitimate critique of Israeli policies and thus as a new form of anti-Zionism? The author argues that, rather than observing the emergence of a new type of anti-Semitism, we are witnessing a process in which formerly discrete modes of anti-Semitism associated with various religious, right-wing, democratic, or left-wing world views are becoming increasingly similar on structural and ideological levels and, moreover, establishing new organizational alliances.)
Werner Konitzer: Antisemitismus und Moral. Einige Überlegungen
(Summary: The article discusses interconnections between moral consciousness, moral judgment, and moral sentiments, on the one hand, and anti-Semitic attitudes, on the other; these relations have already been reflected upon in Freud’s and Poliakov’s approaches to a theory of anti-Semitism. Two aspects of the links between anti-Semitism and morality are at the center of the text. Firstly, moral sentiments influence the content of anti-Semitic ideology: anti-Semitic stereotypes are constructed in a way which mobilizes sentiments of blame and resentment. Secondly, for nationalistic and rassist groups, anti-Semitic stereotypes form an essential part of their own moral consciousness. This leads to the suppositio, that our own reflections on and theoretical account of anti-Semitism cannot be separated from discussions of ethical and moral issues.)
Ulrich Bielefeld: Der gegenwärtige Antisemitismus. Tendenzen und Interpretationen
(Summary: Anti-Semitism has been and continues to be a taboo in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nonetheless, anti-Semitism exists in today’s Germany and is linked in part to current international political conflicts (Middle East conflict, 9/11). Moreover, Islamist anti-Semitism ties the phenomenon to the problems associated with Muslim immigrant minorities .The outlines of a new climate of German discourse are slowly becoming perceptible. On the backdrop of the Middle East conflict, Germans now increasingly voice their critique of the politics of the Israeli state (whether justified or not); to date, this criticism is generally voiced in private. What is perhaps more significant is that, in this new climate Germans can once again refer to »the Jews«.)
Reinhard Müller: Herbert Wehner – eine typische Biographie der stalinisierten Komintern? Auch eine Antikritik
(Summary: This contribution sketches the political career of Herbert Wehner, who was to become a leading figure in the post-1945 West German Social Democratic Party, as a »young cadre« in the Stalinized German Communist Party (KPD). While in exile in the Soviet Union, he acquired a reputation as a loyal internal watchdog and expert for »party purges«. In 1937, Wehner supplied Stalin’s secret police with oral and written reports about the purported »Trotskyite subversive activities« of fellow German exiles. The author summarizes the central argument of his recently published book, i.e., that these reports played a key role in the subsequent formulation of NKVD orders to round up and murder or deport these people and ends by responding to objections raised by Hermann Weber in a review of this volume.)
Wolfgang Kraushaar: Aus der Protest-Chronik
In der Literaturbeilage:
Karl Schmückle: Der aktuelle Don Quijote
Reinhard Müller: Don Quijote im Moskauer Exil. Cervantes, Thomas Mann und Karl Schmückle