Mittelweg 36, Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung 14 (2005), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Mittelweg 36, Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung 14 (2005), 4
Weiterer Titel 
Die Justierung des Sozialen

Anzahl Seiten
96 Seiten
Einzelausgabe € 9.50, Jahresabonnement € 48.- plus Versandgebühr



Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung
Zeitschrift »Mittelweg 36«
Mittelweg 36
040/414 097 84
040/414 097 11
Hansel, Patricia

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Patricia Hansel


Berthold Vogel: Die Justierung des Sozialen. Anmerkungen zur laufenden Diskussion

(Summary: The aim of this article is to sketch the starting points and points of reference for a new order of social policy. Current contributions to relevant discussions that reflect on the normative and structural foundations of the welfare state from both historical and sociological perspectives are considered. On this basis, the author calls for a new design of the realm of the social that goes beyond both frivolous disdain and nervous vindications of the welfare state. The academic world can contribute to this task by providing a new definition of universal and particular rights, of acceptable risks and necessary privileges, and of imposed duties and secure claims founded on a positive conception of the welfare state.)

Andreas Willisch: Die paradoxen Folgen mechanischer Integration

(Summary: This contribution centers on the controversy over an appropriate description of new phenomena of social inequality and defends use of the term »the superfluous« as opposed to exclusion or de-integration. Two case studies are presented to demonstrate that neither the accumulation of social problems nor the anomic consequences of social change suffice to adequately explain the situation of the people involved. Earlier models of integration themselves produce superfluousness. The superfluous are not the victims of discrimination but rather the product of inappropriate attempts to achieve integration undertaken by the entire society.)

Jörn Leonhard: Gewalt und Partizipation. Die Zivilgesellschaft im Zeitalter des Bellizismus

(Summary: This article examines the complex relation between civil societies and belligerent experiences since the French Revolution. By contrasting German, British and North-American war experiences and their contemporary interpretations, the catalysing function of wars for social and political self-organisation and the formulation of participatory expectations is made clear. National wars, as they developed after 1792, coupled new concepts of collective violence and their legitimisation in the name of a sovereign and self-organising nation. The relation between civility and violence can thus not easily be analysed in terms of a deficit or handicapped civil society. Instead, this article argues in favour of a complex overlapping of expectations for enlarged political and social participation, self-organisation of interests within the nation and distinctly belligerent dispositions. The nineteenth century nation states, which developed into aggressive war machines, allowed the combination of these elements. From this perspective, war experiences and their perception should not a priori excluded from the analysis of civil societies and their history. )

Gerd Hankel: Was heißt eigentlich Völkermord? Überlegungen zu einem problematischen Begriff

Birthe Kundrus: Von den Herero zum Holocaust? Einige Bemerkungen zur aktuellen Debatte

Wolfgang Kraushaar: Aus der Protest-Chronik

In der Literaturbeilage
Katharina Niemeyer: Wie das Lachen die Literatur befreit. Dimensionen des Komischen im Don Quijote

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