13. Jahrgang, Oktober / November 2004, Nr. 5
Fatima Kastner: Luhmanns Souveränitätsparadox. Zum generativen Mechanismus des politischen Systems der Weltgesellschaft
(Summary: Functional analysis examines subjects with respect to problems they may serve to resolve. In work focusing on the state from the perspective of the sociology of knowledge, Luhmann applied this approach, which proved productive for his historical reconstruction of the semantics of sovereignty. For the purposes of such an analysis founded in observational theory, it is of decisive importance that sovereignty is qualified in terms of its systems orientation and function, as a paradoxical self-descriptive formula of the political system in the world society, rather than as a normative, state-centered notion.)
Markus Lang: Souveränität – Hürde oder Baustein der internationalen Beziehungen nach 1945?
(Summary: This contribution presents the thoughts on sovereignty formulated by the political scientist and jurist Karl Loewenstein in the 1940s and 1950s. Loewenstein, who was forced to seek exile from the Nazis in America and approached this work under the direct impression of World War II and the post-war era, examined the problem of a state’s external sovereignty in relation to the legitimacy of its domestic authority. From this perspective he then developed the concept of political tutelage, which provides for the temporary transfer of sovereignty to actors from the international community of states, with the goal of establishing democratic institutions and guaranteeing participatory political culture. Today, in a very different historical context, with the issue of »humanitarian intervention« a high priority on the political agenda, Loewenstein’s model may prove stimulating for current political debates on the concept of sovereignty.)
Thomas Noetzel: Guerilla in Nadelstreifen. Agenten und Verräter im Westen
(Summary: Research on the Cold War ,this special phase of the East-West conflict that increasingly shaped the international system after 1917, leads almost inevitably to a closer consideration of the clandestine side of politics – espionage and betrayal. Indeed, perceiving the activities of the intelligence services as the defining element of the Cold War is an interpretation that easily suggests itself. A kind of negative parousia is characteristic of the cold phase of any war, including the East-West conflict.)
Michael Walzer: Was ist falsch am Terrorismus?
(Summary: In this contribution, terrorism is defined as the random killing of innocent people, in the hope of creating pervasive fear. Possible reasons for choosing this wrongful strategy are examined and some concerns evoked by the problems of combating terrorism are considered. From the perspective of a theory of just wars, the war on terrorism is subject to critic if and when it disregards the decisive difference between civilians and combatants in questions of strategy and tactics, and thus itself employs terrorist means. The war on terrorism must be conducted within the framework of police activities that meet the normative standards of societies governed by the rule of law for their security policies.)
Wolfgang Kraushaar: Aus der Protest-Chronik
In der Literaturbeilage:
Margit Reiter: Der Völkermord in Deutsch-Südwestafrika
»Das Volksbuch unserer Kolonien«