Mittelweg 36. Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung 16 (2007), 6

Titel der Ausgabe 
Mittelweg 36. Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung 16 (2007), 6
Weiterer Titel 
Das Problem der Rechtsstaatlichkeit nach dem 11. September

Anzahl Seiten
96 Seiten
Einzelausgabe € 9,50, Jahresabonnement € 48,- (plus Versandkosten)



Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung
Zeitschrift »Mittelweg 36«
Mittelweg 36
040/414 097 84
040/414 097 11
Hansel, Patricia

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Patricia Hansel


William E. Scheuerman: Präsidialdemokratie und Ausnahmezustand. Das Problem der Rechtsstaatlichkeit nach dem 11. September
(Summary: Since 9/11, the expansion of presidential discretionary powers in the USA in what has been declared a national crisis has again highlighted the issue of how the potentially disastrous impacts of such executive discretion can be kept from undermining the rule of law. Since U.S.-style presidentialism has been a model for a number of other countries, institutional mechanisms that contribute to an executive interest in installing and perpetuating emergency rule constitute a global issue. Political scientist William Scheuerman reviews the structural problems of presidential powers in crisis situations, discusses why suggested approaches to restraining executive emergency such as the extralegal model and the common law model are flawed, and proposes that older democracies learn from more recently established ones that have created constitutional provisions to ensure that the democratic rule of law is safeguarded.)

Ulrich Bielefeld: Die Form der Freiheit
(Summary: Music has two dimensions, dimensions that are frequently constructed as contradictory: on the one hand, a systematic, rational side with defined rules, on the other, the »realm of freedom« and direct expressivity. Sociologist Ulrich Bielefeld considers developments in the relationship between these two aspects of music and shifting perspectives on this tension, in particular with respect to improvisation as a practice of performing and creating. His essay discusses relevant work by Max Weber and Theodor Adorno on the sociology of music and reviews the shifting status of composition and improvisation in free jazz, the blues, and the work of musicians such as the Ensemble Modern and Frank Zappa, ending with thoughts on how these developments reflect more general transformations in recent decades.)

Valentin Groebner. Fleisch und Blut, Haus und Haar. Vermarktete Körper historisch
(Summary: In European legal history, human beings are conceptualized as bodies. These traditions are characterized by the principle of habeas corpus, the notion that an individual is worthy of protection as a body, which figures as the bearer of indivisible rights. But a second tradition has emerged beside this first one: that of humans as fragmented and economically exploited beings. This second history did not begin with the medical innovations of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; medieval narratives of and trade in relics are as much a part of this tradition as are medical practices from early modern times, which attached real market values to human body parts. How are such body parts treated, how are they bought and sold? This contribution suggests that we should consider pious notions about relics, magical practices, and some astonishingly long-lived motifs from pre-modern narratives in the same context as phenomena from today’s organ transplantation. For bodies and their parts are always embedded in narratives about identification: it is only by naming them or by successfully rendering them anonymous that they can be transferred and utilized in other contexts.)

In seinem Beitrag »Gesang vom Ende vom Lied« gedenkt Jan Philipp Reemtsma des am 5. Oktober verstorbenen Walter Kempowski.

In der Literaturbeilage widmet sich Michail Ryklin dem Werk von Warlam Schalamow: »Gebrandmarkt, doch kein Sklav«.

Wolfgang Kraushaar interpretiert in der Protest-Chronik einen Brief Rudi Dutschkes, der im November 1968 auf einer SDS-Delegiertenkonferenz kursierte, als einen »Putschversuch in Abwesenheit des Putschisten«.

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