Bernd Greiner: Aus gegebenem Anlass.
Ein Krieg, der mit einer Lüge begann und im Desaster enden musste
Summary: In View of Recent Events: A War That Began with a Lie and Had to End in Disaster
(Is Iraq a second Vietnam? Recent publications authored by former members of the U.S. military and government condemning the Bush administration’s entry into and conduct of the Iraq War are, so Bernd Greiner’s argument, significant not only as evidence of the current president’s abuse of power. They highlight the need for re-examining the structural and institutional framework of U.S. foreign and security policy as well as the realities of power relations between the executive, the legislative, and the military.)
Chris Hedges und Laila Al-Arian: Der schmutzige Krieg. US-Soldaten berichten aus ihrem Alltag im Irak
Summary: A Dirty War: US Soldiers Report on Their Experience in Iraq
(This article, reprinted from the 30 July 2007 issue of The Nation, reports on the magazine’s investigation of the experiences of U.S. military members in Iraq, focusing in particular on encounters with Iraqi civilians. In interviews conducted by the authors for The Nation, fifty combat veterans describe in detail the daily operations of the occupation forces, revealing that disregard for the lives of Iraqis and acts of abuse or unwarranted and indiscriminant violence are far more common that has been admitted to date.)
Matthias Christen und Anton Holzer: Mythos Magnum. Die Geschichte einer legendären Fotoagentur
Jeremy Harding: Hinter der Falltür. Walter Benjamins letzte Tage
Michael Wildt: Erkennen, kein Verstehen. In Erinnerung an Raul Hilberg (1926 – 2007)