Jackie Feldman: Individuelles Leid und die Stärkung der Nation. Nichtkosmopolitisches Gedenken an die Shoah in Israel
(Summary: This essay aims to illustrate how the Israeli Ministry of Education has built its world view – sometimes unconsciously – into the framework of the ritual visits to Poland. It will show how these visits draw a clear, but constantly threatened, boundary around the Jewish-Israeli collective, and present that boundary in such a way as to appear to those participating in the visits as natural.)
Über die dunkle Seite der Geschichte. Carlo Ginzburg im Gespräch mit Trygve Riiser Gundersen
(Summary: The historian Carlo Ginzburg talks about his publications and his historical method of microhistory , which he pioneered. Ginzburg dismisses the prevailing relativism of historical truth as intellectually, politically, and morally lazy, and argues against equating history with »mankind’s collective memory«. Instead, history must serve a sense of historical justice, whereby the past – however selective our memory may be – is acknowledged and truth is finally served.)
Reinhard Müller / Erdmut Wizisla: »Kritik der freien Intelligenz«. Walter-Benjamin-Funde im Moskauer »Sonderarchiv«
Gregor Streim: Die »andere« Lager-Literatur. Literarische Darstellungen alliierter Internierungslager aus den 1950er Jahren
(Summary: The essay focuses on a still largely unexplored, early example of a discourse on German victimization. It deals with the literary memoirs of authors such as Bruno Brehm, Ernst von Salomon, Franz Tumler, Hans Venatier, and Heinrich Zerkaulen, who were interned in Allied civilian camps in Germany and Austria between 1945 and 1948 and published their accounts between 1950 and 1953. These narratives – some fictional, some factual – must be understood as an attempt to establish the perspective of the German victim in the collective memory of the young Federal Republic. In this respect, they competed with reports on National Socialist concentration camps that recounted the memories of the Nazi regime’s victims.)
Jan Philipp Reemtsma: Erdichtung schön, Moral gemein. Eine Randnote
Wolfgang Kraushaar: Aus der Protest-Chronik
In der Literaturbeilage:
Hans Andree: Illustrierter »Don Quijote«. Blick auf Ausgaben aus zwei Jahrhunderten